Thursday, September 17, 2009

Freedom in the Moment

The gift of conscious living can only be experienced by being present in the moment.

Consciously coming back to the current and eternal moment of now allows you to be free. There are no ties to the past and the weight and pain that reside in it as the past no longer exists in the present. There is no worry for the future either as it too does not exist as it has not occured and so all that remains is now. Right now.

This moment is a gift wherin all pain and guilt cannot exists because they only exist in a moment that has passed. Similarly fear cannot live as it concerns things that do not exist now. And though they may exist in some future "now" they have not come to pass and so they are not real.

All that is real is right now. And right now freedom exists, peace exists and stillness exists. In this moment you can be peaceful and still and whole if only you would choose it. In this moment your choice is your experience. In this moment you are truly free.

1 comment:

Kwamz said...

I think this is one of your best posts to date. I can completely relate. I was told by some one the other day "the past is there for you to visit, not to live - live in the present"