Friday, November 20, 2009

The Root Of Rage

Unchecked frustration is a poison. It eats at us and haunts us. It can so quickly build into rage and explode - hurting us and our loved ones.

We should seek to curb frustration through the loving, conscious expressing of our fears and worries. When we share these in a gentle way the weight of them lifts off us and frustration is no more.

We should also seek to curb frustration through removing the burden of expectation. We should seek rather to be hopeful of what the future might bring and accepting of what comes than to be dogmatic with our expectations for this can only create frustration and disappointment when things turn out to be different from our planned outcome.

To experience joy and freedom we must banish frustration from our minds. Seek to cease it's occurrence through releasing expectation and then to halt it when it does occur by releasing it with love.

In this way frustration loses it's power to harm and becomes instead an emotion that comes and goes like all others. In healing frustration we find peace must surely be with us for the mind can rest and the heart can be still.