Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Chasing Dreams

Every heart has a dream. Follow yours.

Your heart has quests and hopes and goals for you. Following the way towards these is where bliss lies waiting for you.

Fear will fight to keep things comfortable and worry will try to block your path but the dreamer cannot be halted by worry or vanquished by fear so long as she trusts the guidance of her heart.

Trust that you will finally arrive at your destination and take pleasure in the journey. Be joyful that you are heading towards your heart's desires even if the way may be slow.

For it is in chasing dreams and following the heart that we discover our own way to fulfilment. And it is in achieving those dreams that we become great.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Lighting The World With Love

Seek to share with the world the love in your heart.

Share it first with yourself. Be gentle and caring with yourself as you are deserving of love and if you cannot love yourself then no one else can.

Share your love with your family, partner and friends. Find out the ways that they choose to feel loved and be that for them.

The more you share your love with them the more love you will find is within you to give. Love is a well that can never run dry and the more of it you give the fuller the well becomes.

Share your love with starngers, the weak, the poor, the children, the aged, the wretched and the sick for they are your brothers and sisters. When you can share your love indiscriminately you will find that love lives all around you.

You will become a beacon of light, brightening the world for all. You will give hope to the hopeless and joy to the sad. Your little bit of love can change the world if only you would share it.

Seek to share love with others to bring love to your world.

Friday, July 24, 2009

Each Day I Choose Joy

Each morning choose to find joy in the world. Happiness is life's sweetness and it asks only that we savour it when it reveals itself in the blessings of every day.

That the sun still shines is a blessing and it's warmth and light are reason enough to smile. Take a moment each day to enjoy the sunlight and the life it brings.

That our hearts can love is a blessing we too often take for granted. Yet it is in sharing and recieving love that we find joy and hope. Take a moment each day to give your love to another for it is in this way that we find that we have an abundance of love within us always.

That there is life in our veins is a blessing and it is the greatest gift we can receive. Use it fully and don't waste even a moment of it for it is far too short and fleeting.

Chase your dreams and let life's magic be revealed for you. Don't put off your joy for tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow. All that exists is this moment for the past is no longer and the future is not yet to be.

Let now be your happiest moment, the zenith of your joy for there is no better, or other, time to be happy than now.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Concious Evolution

Growth is as certain as birth and death. We are all of us always growing.

Whether through learning about the world, about ourselves, gaining wisdom, finding love or becoming increasingly fearful we grow evermore into who we want to be.

Choose to conciously evolve. Create an image of who you wish to be and then, in each moment, make the choices and take the actions that will turn you into that.

Thought guides action. Action determines what you become. So in order to become the perfect being you seek to be you must first choose to be it.

In this way growth is not the steady progress towards death, it becomes the path to fulfilment and a fuller life.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Love and Freedom

Let love be free. Seek not to constrain it or define it or control it.

Rather let it be what it chooses to be. Let it be in the small things and the fleeting things and the things that come for a time and then pass. Let it be true and passionate but don't try to keep it forever as like all things love comes and goes.

Let love change over time but don't become complacent in love or expect love to wait for you. Seize every opportunity to love and be loved.

Love indiscriminately. Love with all your heart. And remember, when you let love free, love frees you.

Monday, July 13, 2009

On Authenticity

Authenticity is the first step to freedom. None is free that is not being true to who they are.

Being authentically you means your actions, thoughts and words are in harmony. It is when your highest inner image of yourself is reflected in your outer existence. It is when the heart and the mind create in unison. It is when heart and mind are one.

When heart rules mind chaos ensues as the heart has no order. When mind rules heart it causes joylessness and pain as the mind has no bliss. When heart and mind are in harmony there is no conflict. There is only lightness of being as there is no heaviness to weigh on the heart's emotions or the mind's thoughts.

This harmony of the inner and the outer brings peace. There is no discord, no worry. There is only the joy of living in wholeness.

Seek harmony of mind and heart. Life is the richer for it.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Love Is A Verb

Seek to treat others with love. Be loving, gentle, caring, kind and patient.

When love becomes a way of being- a way of doing- it transcends the temporal impermanence of feeling. Instead of just being a singular fleeting emotion it becomes an experince shared.

When love is felt it is felt by one. When love is done it is felt by many.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Overcoming the Workday Blues

The workday blues can be a drag. Sitting- as many of us do- behind a desk, indoors,without natural light, disconnected from people and nature can drain the joy from life.

Here are a ten actions you can take to bring a little spark to the drudgery:

1. Take a 10 minute walk outside.
The fresh air, sunlight and a light exercise are relaxing and will lift your mood and give you time to get some perspective on your work.

2. Put an uplifting song on your MP3 player, find a quiet nook and dance.
Releasing your inhibitions and cutting the rug up will lift your spirits and put a smile on your face.

3. Connect deeply with a stranger.
Pick out a stranger and share something that's weighing on your mind. Connecting with people makes us feel like we belong. It opens us up so that we don't feel so alone in the world.
Who knows, maybe the stranger will be able to give you some guidance, a valuable perspective or assistance.

4. Buy a lollipop and lick it.
There is a joy that comes to the adult heart when it indulges in choldlike activities. Licking a lollipop is something most adults don't regularly do yet it is a joyful way to lift the spirits and you can keep one in your drawer and pop it out for a sneaky lick when no-one is looking for that added sense of indulgence.

5. Breathe.
Pause the haste and stress for a moment and just breathe deeply for a minute or two. Introducing still moments into your day will make you calmer, more focussed and give your mind a chance to rest a bit.

6. Flirt.
Call your partner and chat them up. Wink at the busdriver. Pay a stranger a compliment. Playful flirting makes the heart flutter and will leave a smile on your face and leaves the other person feeling good about themselves.
That being said, avoid being crude or lecherous and beware of being touchy-feely or overtly sexual as this can be inappropriate and create awkwardness and lawsuits. Be playful rather than predatory.

7. Take your lunch break in a park.
Pack up a lunchbox and have your break in the sun away from the canteen. Better yet, invite some colleagues along and have a picnic!

8. Take a 15 minute nap.
If you have been productive all day and hit that mid-afternoon slump then why not take a quick nap? Even a quick nap will revitalise and refresh a tired mind.

9. Go to the window and look out at the world.
There are a myriad of beauties waiting to be observed just on the other side of the glass if only you would look.

10. Read this blog :-)
Read a poem, Google your favourite artist or pick up an inspirational book. Find something inspiring and appreciate it for a minute or two.
Inspiration is not a chance occurence, it is an active pursuit.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Following Your Heart

Greatness is found in the pursuit of your heart's desires.

When you deeply desire success in an area of your life your inner guidance will drive you to achieve it. You will commit regardless of the percieved obstructions that litter your path.

You will find joy in your toil and pride in your sweat as your heart will be glad to suffer and bleed to reach for your dreams. The journey, whether ultimately succesful or not, will be satisfying and rewarding to you because you will be living your passion.

So, follow your heart to find fulfilment in your life. Then maybe you will find that instead of working to live, life will work for you.

Friday, July 3, 2009

We Are None Of Us Alone*

There is a pain in loneliness that kills hope.

To be alone is bleak. It is to find yourself without connection. Seperate.

Yet we are never alone. By virtue of our origins in the same soil and the rays of the one sun we are all of this one place. This is a home to us all.

We are never alone so long as we look to the same night sky and dream. We are never seperate so long as the morning light warms us all. We are always connected so long as we breathe this one air.

I am with you always and you are with me. All together on this one big ball. All at home.

*Title quoted from Fushumongu's soliloquy on connectedness as quoted on the NBC series Life. Read it here.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Fear & Greatness

Fear is the enemy of greatness. To make any great achievement you must first hurdle the barrier of fear.

Fear grips the heart and whispers: don't go there, don't do it, you can't, you won't be able to, you cannot win.

Mastery in life is not the absence of fear, it is rather the challenging and overcoming of fear. In this you find that you experience relief. Whether your actions find success or failure you will find that you are happier for knowing that you chased a dream and lived to chase more.