Monday, July 13, 2009

On Authenticity

Authenticity is the first step to freedom. None is free that is not being true to who they are.

Being authentically you means your actions, thoughts and words are in harmony. It is when your highest inner image of yourself is reflected in your outer existence. It is when the heart and the mind create in unison. It is when heart and mind are one.

When heart rules mind chaos ensues as the heart has no order. When mind rules heart it causes joylessness and pain as the mind has no bliss. When heart and mind are in harmony there is no conflict. There is only lightness of being as there is no heaviness to weigh on the heart's emotions or the mind's thoughts.

This harmony of the inner and the outer brings peace. There is no discord, no worry. There is only the joy of living in wholeness.

Seek harmony of mind and heart. Life is the richer for it.

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