Friday, May 29, 2009

Acceptance & Being

Acceptance is the salve that heals dissapointment and regret. If you know that what has happened is now in the past and the past no longer exists then you needn't worry about it as it no longer exists. 

Accept what already is for it has already come to pass and then seek the change you envisage through choosing how you seek to be. Pursue being as a tool to create your intended reality as it is more powerful than doing. If you are being happy you will likely do more things that make you happy. However, if you are being sad then doing happy things becomes harder. 

First acceptance, then choice, then being, then action - this is the way to mastery.

Joy By Design

Joy occurs by design - not by chance. You must first choose joy, then believe it will find you, then allow it when it does. There is joy to be found everywhere if you choose to accept it. From the smiles of your neighbours to the sunshine in the morning, joy awaits you in every moment.